St. Thomas Forane Sunday School has a strength of around 950 students from Class 1 to 12th. There are 80 staff members including Office Staff under the able leadership of Rev. Fr. Cyriac Madathil CMI theVicar, Rev. Fr. Rejo Kalathil CMI the Director and Rev. Fr. Nibin Areekkathazhe CMI the Asst. Director. The timing of Catechism is from 9.00 am to 10.45 am followed by Holy Eucharist for the catechism students at 11.00 am. The Teachers assemble at 8.50 am for a common prayer. The Catechism starts with a common assembly at 8.55 am at Christ School.

Staff Core Committee
A core group comprising of Rev. Fr. Director, Principal, Vice Principals and the Secretary meet regularly to discuss and address the day to day affairs of Catechism. This group acts as a steering committee.
Class-wise Confession
Rev. Fathers from Dharmaram Campus are invited to hear the confession of the students on every Sunday. The schedule of confession is given in the year plan printed in the hand book.
Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist is given utmost importance in Catechism. All students attend Holy Eucharist at 11.00 am. The brothers and teachers give guidance to the students on how to behave in the Church, how to participate in the Holy Eucharist actively, etc. We have an exclusive students choir team for the HolyEucharist. The students read the Scripture and collect the offerings during the Holy Eucharist.
Enrichment Programme
The Catechism staff had been to Christ Kengeri Campus on 24th June for a half day enrichment programme. Amidst the rain and the weather, everybody in the Catechism family had a fun filled day and had memories to carry behind. The youth staff and the office team helped in setting up some games which resulted in good interaction and knowing the teachers better.
Staff Meeting
Every month, all staff members meet, at least once, to discuss about the various matters involved in Catechism.
Unit Test
Unit test for the students is conducted before the first semester exam as a help to prepare well for their Semester Exam.
Visit of Animation Team
A team of animators from Syro Malabar Catechism Mission visits our unit every year. They spend the day with us observing our activities.
Students Retreat
Every year a theme based retreat for Catechism Students of Class 1-12 is conducting for 3 days. The Catechism Retreat theme for this year was “YES, Yield Every thing to spirit” With selected retreat preachers leading the retreat, the students from Class 1 to 10 were involved and were really moved and definitely felt they can reach out to Jesus at all times and He will bless them even though they have failures. The retreat was held in 3 different venues to ensure the effectiveness.
The retreat began on the 10th for the UP and HS with an informal inauguration which was addressed by our Vicar and the Retreat co-ordinator introduced the team to the children. Our Catechism youth staff, presented the theme skit which set the stage for a wonderful retreat. The PTA council members along with the parents played a great role in preparing the food for our children. The final day session for the parents and adoration along with the children was the most beneficial. The conclusion was followed by fellowship meal for the parents and the children together .
All of us at St. Thomas Sunday Catechism understand that Catechism is not limited to just teaching the prescribed text, rather it is a process of moulding the students into mature disciples of Jesus. Hence the second half of catechism is dedicated to various activities including teaching of regular prayers. We believe that regular confession, counselling, class wise adoration with their teacher, Student Retreat, CML activities, Out Reach programmes etc are right steps taken in this direction.
You could reach us @
The students seeking new admission to Sunday catechism classes for this academic year can fill in the application form provided in the link below on or before 28th of June. It is mandatory that students seeking admissions to 1st standard should also be studying in 1st standard at school-level. The students who come from other parishes and centers should submit their transfer certificate along with their application.
Catechism New Admission Information
Catechism Class 1 Admission – Open
Dear All,
The new admissions to class I is open. Please use the google form to update all the details and then submit.
The Admission fee is Rs.400/-. The instructions to pay the amount is also mentioned, you could pay by scanning the image or by fund transfer to the church account.
*Please note while transferring money, in the comments, do mention the child’s name*
Please fill the below google form and submit. Incomplete forms will not be considered. Hence kindly fill in all the details to avoid any inconvenience or delays.
This is exclusively for New Admissions to Class 2 and above for students from other parishes or states. The applicant should have a TC or an official communication from the Vicar of earlier parish that shows the evidence of his/her attendance and clearing the exam during the academic year 2020-21
For clarifications please reach out to Leejoe @9845321474